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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

To-Do Tuesday: I'm A Dropout


Welp. February is an early month to drop out of something that I started so enthusiastically in January, right? But drop out I did. All People Quilt UFO Challenge is the victim in this case. My first goal in this challenge suffered from "not enough backing fabric" and "waiting for backing fabric".  Plus I decided that trying to finish a UFO each month might be too much for me, especially when I want to leave time for any Squirrel that might visit my sewing room!

So here is the report on my To-Do from last week, and I'll be joining in with at Roseanne and all her buddieswho valiantly host this event each week:

1. Cut additional pieces for Exploding Heart QAL and finish blocks B through F - Progress - I finally got the rest of my background fabric, finished cutting and making blocks A-D with blocks E and F still to go. I'm behind schedule but that's OK.

2. RSC blocks - finish and post by end of month - DONE and posted here

3. SAHRR - the prompt for this week is to add plus block border - DONE and posted here

4. Post about and link up my "eggplant" block for 2021 Color Challenge - DONE and posted here

5. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Meadowland quilt (I'm supposed to be finished by Jan 31!) - No progress. The backing fabric I intended to use was short, and my husband (God love him!) suggested we go find something else at a LQS. In the meantime I found a flannel backing I love online, so I ordered enough of that to back it.

On to the list for this coming week:

1. SAHRR Round 3 -  add flying geese border and post by Feb 7

2. Project Quilting - create a project using the theme "Virtual Vacation" and post by noon on Feb 7. I've got an idea, but it is for a full quilt - wish me luck!

3. Work on blocks in "lemon" for 2021 Monthly Color Challenge and yellow for 2021 RSC to post by end of month

Exploding Hearts blocks

4. Continue to work on Exploding Heart quilt

Yarn stash begging to be used!

5. Decide on a crochet project to start on. I haven't picked up my cross stitch for over a week. I think I need a new TV-watching activity!

Check out Homesewn By Us to see what is going on with other participants!


  1. wow, what a great list, I think I need to start doing this!

    1. It really helps me! As long as I'm in the mood - lol! Thanks for visiting.

  2. I often start the year thinking I should finish a UFO a month, but I can't keep up with that either! Oh well, we do finish things every so often, right? :) It sounds good that the color challenge and the RSC are both yellow - maybe I will get caught up on the color challenge blocks. I'm excited to see your Exploding Heart!

  3. You did great with your list! Have fun playing with PQ and lemon/yellow blocks!

  4. Ah girl, don't give up! Just get back in the game next month. I didn't finish all of my 2020 UFO challenges, some didn't make a finish until the next month, but it motivated me to get them done in their time! But no pressure, it's your sewing time, make the best of all those Squirrels, I know them well. LOL!

  5. Hi Linda! I think you did great on your list last week. Moving a project forward counts as a checkmark in my book - and having to find a new backing to replace one too short is an unplanned for obstacle. I'm glad you found something that you're happy with for Meadowland - I'm looking forward to seeing it complete. Great job on the SAHRR piece! I'm so glad you're playing along. Isn't that funny that the RSC and monthly color block are both shades of yellow?! I have to get to work on mine. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Good list, Linda! And don't be hard on yourself for dropping out of the challenge! Sometimes we just have to give ourselves permission to NOT do a thing! LOL

  7. Well, things are really happening over there! I wouldn't feel bad about having to drop out. It's okay to be realistic rather than cause yourself stress about trying to keep up. I'm finishing up my Project Quilting piece. I've had fun with it!

  8. UFOs - I think I just added two more to my list as I did not finish the appliqué quilt by the end of the year, and have not yet started a baby quilt for a little fella due on the 14th. I'll just keep plugging long. Your projects are coming along nicely. And oh that yarn stash! I don't knit or crochet, but your yarns are lovely!

  9. well drop out or not - i enjoy seeing whatever quilt things you are working on .

    1. Thank you so much Sandy - you are always so nice. :)

  10. That cross stitch is me. As far as making a finish a monthly goal...that depends on how far along I am on the project. LOL What I pulled out for this month just needs the binding sewn on, trimmed, and hand sewn down.

    1. Hi Marsha, sounds like you might get that one done - good luck on it! Thanks for visiting.

  11. I completely understand. That seemed really stressful to me. Productive, but stressful.

  12. Hi Linda, wonderful list there which I enjoyed reading and I loved eyeing your yarn stash. I've had to streamline my projects as I was feeling stressed with getting things done. I do like to have finished items so my remedy is to start fewer, LOL. Happy stitching!

  13. After many years of striving to finish 12 quilts a year, I've realized it's not happening, at least not while I'm working. So I've reset my goal to finishing 8, which is more than I've ever finished in one year. I think you can still play along, just with your own end in mind. One quilt a month is really a stretch. Congrats on all the progress last week and hope you've been moving along on this week's to do list. I really do think it's all about making progress each week/month. We eventually get something finished! Have a great week!

  14. Well done with your list, Good luck for the new goals.

  15. Well, you are not alone in the drop out club! It really feels good. I am glad that I only did one border on the SAHRR! Better to make the baby quilt! I need to do something with all the yarn that I have stashed for crochet and knitting. Wonder if it ever gets old? LOL. You are making wise choices. Hugs


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