It's time to link up your lists for To Do Tuesday! Can you believe it is the last Tuesday in April? Wow that went fast! If this is your first time reading about To Do Tuesday and you'd like more information, everything you need to know may be found by clicking on the young couple above.
Pieces In The Garden blocks so far
My goals for last week:
❌1. Wedding quilt - Nothing done
✅2. RBD block - Done and posted here on Instagram
✅3. Pieces in the Garden Bachelor blocks - 8 done and 4 left to make for April - see photo above
I was able to sell my Janome and table last week! I took some good advice from Wendy and posted it on Facebook Marketplace, adding it to several local Facebook groups, and a lady contacted me on Friday. Imagine my surprise when she mentioned my hometown and a mutual acquaintance, so we had a fun conversation while she was testing the machine. Although it is a big relief to have Janice Janome sold, I might have kept her around if I had a bigger sewing space!
Indian Corn has been waiting to be finished for months!
I've got some goals in mind for this coming week:
1. Get busy on the Wedding Quilt
2. Do some squirrel sewing
3. Finish quilting Indian Corn (See above - this is a quilt I wanted to have finished for Thanksgiving last year and ran out of gold thread before I finished quilting it!)
4. Finish Pieces In The Garden blocks and do a post
And now it's time to share your post with us! Please click on the link below and add your post - we can't wait to see your stuff! If you have any issues connecting with Marsha's Spot, please copy the text below and paste into your browser: