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Monday, October 17, 2022

To Do Tuesday 10-18-22

It's time for To Do Tuesday on this third week of October. We welcome your posts about books you've read, quilts made, crochet, recipes made, tablescapes, photography, art, journaling, scrapbooking, thrifting, collecting, travel - we love it all! If you are wanting to participate but don't know how, just click on the busy couple above for more information.

I've been quilting The Wedding Quilt using the quilt-from-the-back kit for Longmire. It's time consuming because I'm still getting used to where to position the panto, how to continue the pattern, and where to position the quilt. It isn't perfect, but I'm very happy with how it's going!

Here were my goals for last week:
✔1. Get finished with The Wedding Quilt - Not finished but good progress
❌2. RBD quilt - Nope!
✔3. Coin purses and crochet hat - Some progress on both
✔4. Autumn wall hanging - maybe from this Wind Drifter pattern featured on Wendy's post - she made a gorgeous version! - Nothing done except a fabric pull, but not for this particular pattern.

I'm so excited for my favorite time of year - fall and holiday fabrics!

Eeeek, my favorite time before the holidays is flying by! I have sooooo many projects I want to do for fall, have started on too many and gotten nothing finished. I got distracted (big shocker) by fabric pulls for an autumn wall hanging and a Christmas quilt. Life (in a good way) was also a distraction, but I hope to get myself together for the coming week:
1. Keep quilting on The Wedding Quilt
2. Try to get some plans going for the RBD quilt
3. Coin purses and hat
4. Wall hanging and Christmas quilt - get pieces cut
5. Sunday - celebrate our daughter's 47th birthday and our 53rd wedding anniversary!

I just read on Instagram that Carol from Just Let Me Quilt is hosting the very fun virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange on December 5-8! Just click right here for more information.

And now please click on the Inlinkz link below to add your post. If you are having trouble accessing Marsha's Spot, just copy this URL and paste it into your browser:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. The quilting looks fantastic, Linda. Beautiful fabrics for the Autumn wall hanging.
    Happy new week.

  2. So many good things to join in with! Your quilting looks great and its underway and not too long till its completed. Love the peek of colours of it.

  3. The wedding quilt looks incredibly beautiful. I can't wait to see more.


  4. The quilting on the wedding quilt looks fine to me! Autumn is rushing by, we had snow yesterday afternoon/evening and it might snow again today! I am so not ready for winter. Happy stitching!

  5. The quilting looks great! Fun fabric pulls. It's always fun to dig into the stash for a new project. Happy stitching this week.

  6. So happy for you that you're making progress on quilting the Wedding Quilt! Quilt from the back sounds interesting - is your quilt flipped upside down on the frame? You're making me curious! Have a great week, Linda!

  7. It must be so fun to watch the quilted patterns appear as you and Longmire work.

  8. Your quilting is beautiful, Linda! Aren’t fabric pulls fun?


    1. Thank you Michelle! Yes they are fun but time consuming for me. :)

  9. The quilting looks terrific. It does take a little to get used to how to move the pantograph and quilt but you will get it! Isn't it nice to be able to do it on your own machine. That fall quilt is a stunning that you picked fabrics for....easy to get distracted. I am trying to do one of the quilts with Autumn Jubilee but nothing is working so far...hoping for it to all come together today!

  10. You and Longmire make a good team - it's looking great! Happy Birthday to your daughter, and Happy Anniversary to you two! Definitely cause for celebrating! I'm looking forward to seeing that Autumn fabric pull. You know I'd highly recommend Wind Drifter!

  11. I have nothing to share today but I am feeling back to normal after being sick for a couple days so today progress just might happen

  12. Happy Anniversary!
    Thanks for putting the thought in my head - it's time to pull out those Christmas gift ideas I've been neglecting! Time is running short to get them sewn up!

  13. Your quilting on the wedding quilt looks great Linda. Such intriguing fabric pulls! Have fun this week 😉

  14. Pantos were always an issue when the quilt was larger than the frame, but now I don't have that issue!!! Good luck with your finish on the quilt and avoiding any distractions to your list.

  15. Your quilting looks amazing Linda. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Practice makes perfect! Holiday projects and fabrics are also a major distraction for me as well. But sometimes those squirrel moments produce awesome projects! Good luck this week.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Peggy. I will say I really enjoyed the process, so practice shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the visit!

  16. Quilting from the back... interesting. You are doing great with the pantograms. Now come down here and teach me. I have loads of them, but never have gotten into using the laser light. Oh well. Enjoying the cooler weather, but the temps and humidity coming back this week-end before another cool front! I told Clay that I would love to get a new long arm that was computerized, but could not justify it - Not too sure I know many long armers in their 80's. LOL. So my HQ16 and I will just continue on with the free motion. Hugs and take care!

  17. Hi Linda! Oh, those fabrics on the Wedding Quilt and so gorgeous. I just adore those low volume prints coupled with the darker grays and blue. A panto! I have always wanted to try one of those - of course, I don't have a longarm so that would be difficult. The idea of it seems simple, but I am certain that it is not but that practice and experience is the ticket. I know the couple will never see any hesitations and only you will ever see every single stitch. Rather, think about all the love sewn into the making of this project. They will be covered in your love for years to come. Great job! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


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