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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

To Do Tuesday 3-28-23

Well this month is certainly flying by! I can't say that my projects are flying along with March - how about you? I'm joining with Carol and other bloggers for To Do Tuesday - go check out other posts right here.

The past few days have found me reaching for Kleenex. Might be a cold, might be an allergy with congestion, coughing, hoarseness, and low energy level! Let's see how I did this past week:

Last week
✔1.Get Cross My Heart sandwiched and quilted. Not finished yet but getting there!
✔2. RBD blocks - I have not completed all the blocks, but I've made a good start.
✔3. Start on a new quilt - I started a fabric pull and am looking at patterns.

This week:
1. Finish Cross My Heart
2. Finish RBD blocks
3. New quilt planning
4. Prep spring gardens

We will meet our son and family, our daughter and family, and grandson's girlfriend and her family at a restaurant in Dallas on Saturday. Our DIL had her first radiation treatment yesterday following her lumpectomy last month, and I can't wait to present her quilt to her.

Hope all of you have a great week of To-Dos!


  1. have a good time with the family - this is allergy season - it is most likely that

  2. Yikes! Hope you start to feel better soon. I'm sure your DIL is going to love her quilt. Glad you will gather with family and celebrate.

  3. Hope your DIL is doing well. I know her quilt is going to be a special comfort to her. Hope you're feeling better soon, too, Linda. You've got a deadline to make! :)

  4. Sure hope you are feeling better soon - there is some nasty stuff going around. I'm sure your DIL will love her quilt!

  5. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. Hope that Kleenex thing hasn't developed to much. Plenty of rest and soup. I hear the weather hasn't really warmed up yet. Oh and wine and a book of course!!

  6. Have a great time with Family, Linda. For sure your DIL will love her quilt. Hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself.

  7. Uh oh, this is definitely kleenex weather. I'd say I hope it's just allergies, but that means you are stuck with them all the time. So I hope it's just a very short and mild cold.

  8. I am sorry you have exactly what I have had for TWO WEEKS TODAY. Put me on my butt! Clay had it for 2 weeks. Probably from the China balloon!!! I had no energy and no desire to do anything. Hoping I will get back to life on 1 April. I had to stop exercising because it seemed to make me worse. I feel for you. It is no fun. I accomplished nothing! Take care. Medication does nothing for it. Steam, cough syrup, saline nasal spray and lots of Tylenol. Hugs.

  9. Nanette Chopin CookMarch 29, 2023 at 7:32 AM

    When will I learn to no post anonymous! Grrr. Hugs

  10. I hope your time with family will be well enjoyed by all. Feel better soon, and may the radiation do its job for your DIL.

  11. Oh, I hope its allergies. Nice job on last week, hoping this week is as good for you. Have a lovely visit this weekend.

  12. I hope you are feeling much better, Linda. Also, hope you had a nice visit with your family.

  13. Hi Linda. I sure hope the need for kleenex is allergies and the spring weather will rid you of that problem soon. I hope by now you have managed to finish quilting Cross My Heart and are enjoying the binding process. Did you get your RBD blocks done yet? Will you be sharing some garden photos as you get things planted and pruned? Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Enjoy your family time this weekend.


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