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Sunday, February 28, 2021

2021 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Yellows

I've been happily sorting through my yellow scrap bin this past week to catch up on the 2021 Rainbow Scrap Challenge, hosted by Angela at SoScrappy.

My monthly scrap blocks are Geese Migration, Scraptastic Stars, strings, and four-patch Irish chains. Sometimes I plod through them just to get them done, and sometimes I enjoy them, especially since I only do them once a month. I enjoyed the colors this month, but I always dread the mess of doing strings, because I have 3 or 4 bins open, scraps all over the place, and that is the time that all my cats and my husband decide to pester visit with me - lol!

It really seems like I should have more Scraptastic Stars! I need red and purple, then I want to try a layout like Option E on Melissa Corey's blog.

I love Irish chain quilts! I will choose a pretty white for the solid squares when I have enough for a quilt.

Be sure to visit Angela's linky party for all the yellow goodness made by other RSC participants!


  1. You've got a fun group of projects going on there, Linda! I love your variety of yellows - from brights to darker golds. The Scraptastic Stars always catch my attention - I'm adding them to my list!

  2. Oh, your yellow blocks! They are all wonderful. I have always wanted to do geese migration. Someday... Working on scraps really does create a mess doesn’t, it? (And I don’t even have cats)

  3. A little late - but all are so bright and cheery! Good for you to keep on top!


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