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Friday, March 12, 2021

Riley Black Quilt Block Challenge

Yup, I jumped on another challenge, this one because I think the blocks are so pretty. I read about it on Amy Smart's blog Diary of A Quilter, so I'll blame her! Riley Blake Designs is sponsoring the event, and each Tuesday (except for the last Tuesday of the month) for 16 weeks a Riley Blake designer will offer a free downloadable 10-inch block pattern. The end result will be a sampler quilt. You can find all you need to know about the challenge right here or click on the button in my right sidebar.

Below are photos of each of the blocks I've made so far. Under each block, click the name of the block to go straight to the free pattern.

The first block, Pinwheel Star, designed by Amanda at Jedi Craft Girl, features a pinwheel within a star

Shining Star is block #2, designed by Bev McCullough at Flaming Toes

Carina Gardner designed block #3, the Framed Flower block

Stella is the #4 block, and it was designed by Sandy Gervais.

Rachel Erickson of Citrus and Mint Designs, is the designer of Ocean Waves block #5

On the fabric requirements information page, RBD included a color chart of the fabrics used in the sample quilt, so I used that chart to find similar colors/shades in my stash.

The blocks have been fun to make. Stella is a beautiful block but was the most difficult to make so far, because it includes a triangle in a square. The pattern recommended a Tri-Recs ruler but included a template. I used the template, and the result was a less than 2-1/2 inch block. I realize this is maker error, but next time I'll cut it more generously, Others that posted on Instagram had issues also, so I don't feel alone!

If you are interested in joining the challenge, you can still catch up. The blocks really are a breeze to make, and I impatiently watch the website each Tuesday because I look forward to it.

Here is where I spent part of my time this past week. I have a severe bunion that is causing pain and walking issues. I have had this bunion probably 15-20 years, but until the last couple of years the biggest issue was finding shoes that were comfortable. Now my big toe overlaps my second toe, and the result is pain, numbness, and difficulty walking for any length of time. I saw an ad (of all places - on Instagram!) for lapiplasty, a new procedure that promises a shorter recovery time and better long-term success than the typical bunionectomy, and I found a doctor within our insurance network that specializes in this type of surgery. My surgery is the first week of April, so I'm going to be hurrying to get a few things done in the sewing room, because I'll have to be off my feet for two weeks following surgery before I can wear a "boot". I'm not sure how that boot will work with my foot pedal!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Sorry to hear about your bunion. I’ll bet that is painful. After a year of not wearing shoes, I can barely stuff my feet (that have clearly widened a good bit) into any of my shoes. I’m really living like a caveman. Good luck with your surgery. Meanwhile, keep cranking out the gorgeous quilt squares. I am loving the various green fabrics that you’re using.

  2. You've chosen some nice fabrics for those blocks! I hope you get some relief for your foot issues, and I hope the recovery is quick so you can get back to your foot pedal :-)

  3. Your blocks for the Riley Blake QAL are so pretty, Linda! They do look labor intensive, but I love the colors you chose for them. Best of luck on your foot surgery this week!

  4. Wow, those blocks are really detailed and beautiful, Linda!!! Sounds like you found a good solution to the bunion situation. I have them, too. 😟 I hope it goes well with the surgery and you have a quick recovery.

  5. Hi Linda, what a treat this morning to visit and look at these blocks of yours. So beautiful and such immaculate piecing. I'm in awe. And what pretty fabrics and colours you coordinated too. Thank you for the close up photos. I can barely keep my Sawtooth Stars straight. Meanwhile, I do hope this surgery will do the trick; it sounds like you have suffered long enough with this problem. You'll have to keep us posted of course on how it all goes. Best of luck from me too with it all.

  6. OK Now who do I blame - you? LOL. I am downloading and maybe I could slip the 5 blocks in this week between OMIGOSH! I am back in the saddle after a lost month! Maybe now the Gorilla in the room will just die and go to blazes! Hope all is well and of course we still have that wind down here too!! Hugs. Your projects are so pretty you are going to have a beauty when finished.

  7. Beautiful blocks! That's such a tempting project, you've picked some fun fabrics for it. Sorry you need surgery, but hopefully this procedure will limit how long you are off your feet.


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