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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Riley Blake Designs Quilt Block Challenge Catch Up

The RBD Quilt Block Challenge began on February 2 and will end in June. There are 16 designers, and each one is contributing a pattern for a 10-inch block. The 12 block designs released are beautiful and fun to make, and I actually get impatient for the next pattern to arrive. These past few days I've been enjoying time in the sewing room playing catch up. I am still wearing a surgical boot on my right foot, so my left foot is operating the foot pedal!

Fabric requirements for RBD Quilt Block Challenge

Selecting fabrics is not my strong suit, but someone made a comment that stuck with me. I admired her fabric pull for a quilt and commented on the difficulty I have choosing fabrics. She replied that is why she relies on  fabric collections or bundles. With that in mind, I used RBD's suggested palette shown on the fabric requirements as a guide to pull prints from my stash. I've made a couple of changes, but so far I'm happy with my choices and feel that they coordinate nicely.

Reach for the Stars


Sugar Candy

Lady of the Lake


Nine Patch Star

The blocks for April and May are Reach for the Stars, Butterfly, Sugar Candy, Lady of the Lake, Glint. and Nine Patch Star. All patterns can be found right here. I've discovered that I really enjoy sampler quilts!

On Texas A&M campus with our son, daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, and graduating grandson!

Last week my husband and I made a quick trip to our old stomping grounds north of Houston. We stayed with our son and his family and went to the graduation of our grandson. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in computer engineering from Texas A&M, and we are bursting with pride! He has a fantastic new job with a company in Houston and will begin working in June. It's so hard to believe our first grandchild is 22. He has grown into such an awesome young man. Also this month is the graduation of our second granddaughter (pictured on the left above) from high school, and we will travel again to attend that ceremony.


  1. Congratulations to your grandson! How nice that you could be together to celebrate with him. Your quilt blocks are so pretty in those fabrics!

  2. Love the blocks. I had now downloaded them, but now I have! Would like to start on quilting a quilt and making blocks. Tired of working on applique for ABL. Your family is just so wonderful. How proud you must be of all of them! How is that foot anyway? Going for the 2nd one or have you already? Hugs

  3. Such pretty, soft colors in all your blocks!!! Fun grad family photo and gathering! How's the foot recovery going now?

  4. Those quilt blocks are gorgeous, Linda - very classic and timeless looking! Congratulations to your grandson and the whole family! That is a wonderful milestone. Glad you were able to be there for it!


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