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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To-Do Tuesday and May Monthly Color Challenge

May Monthly Color Challenge Block - 12 inch

It has been since the end of March (right before my foot surgery) that I participated in To-Do Tuesday. This event is hosted by Chris at ChrisKnits and is a chance for bloggers to review their accomplishments and make plans for the coming week. I did manage to finish a few blocks this past week, and I look forward to more time in the sewing room to get stuff done!

6 inch sizes for May Monthly Color Challenge

The blocks for the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge are inspired by fruits and veggies. The humble potato was chosen for May, and with that in mind I pulled a wonderful dark brown mini check fabric and a vintage print from my stash - see top photo. My potato is brown with blue eyes - lol! This linkup is hosted by Jen at Patterns By Jen, and she provides a free pattern (for one month). Jen has instructions for two sizes in her patterns, so I made one large (12 inch finished) and two in the smaller (6 inch finished) size.

I detailed my completed blocks for the Riley Blake Designs Quilt Block Challenge in this post right here. Now I need to get busy on red blocks for the RSC Challenge before the end of the month. With that in mind here are my goals for the coming week.

1. Start on RSC red blocks

2. Sandwich rose quilt

3. Plant zinnia seeds

A big Thank-You to Chris and Jen for hosting these fun events. You can check out other To-Do Tuesdays here and find more "potato" blocks for the May Monthly Color Challenge here!


  1. So glad you're getting back to your sewing machine, Linda, and hope your foot is healing well, too. Your Color Challenge blocks look great - you've made that potato not so humble after all! Good luck on this week's list, and get those seeds planted. :)

  2. That's good news...sewing room attendance A+.
    Like both blocks too...xox

  3. Good to see you back and in the sewing room! You have some fancy taters and they are quite pretty!

  4. Interesting that a color challenge was based upon a potato. That has me thinking about the purple potatoes that have become popular recently, the Dutch yellow potatoes, and sweet potatoes. There really are quite a few colors associated with potatoes that a lot of people probably wouldn’t consider. Nice job here, as always.

  5. I love this block! Very cool setting. Glad you are back up and running with the sewing, hope your foot is back to normal. Thanks for linking up with To-Do!

  6. I like both of your blocks - great colors together!


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