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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Labor Day Weekend 2021: Squirrels Welcome!

Somehow "Squirrel-spiration" entered my sewing room last week in the form of plaid and autumn, so guess what I will be doing on this Labor Day weekend!

I saw this pretty cross stitch on the Instagram feed of @fqsxstitch (Fat Quarter Shop Cross Stitch), and was squirrel-spired by the colors. I knew I had to make something!

I love all these colors! Don't they remind you of bolts of fabric? 😍

I am very susceptible to fall colors, and I wanted something plaid-ish, so I pulled out one of my older (2003) pamphlets by Teri Christopherson of Black Mountain Needlework called Mad About Plaid and found a great pattern for a quilt called "Indian Corn". It's the perfect name because those are all the colors in the cross stitch. 

I cut all the neutral pieces yesterday, and today I will get to cut the fun colors!

I hope all of you are doing something fun this Labor Day weekend!


  1. Fall colors are so appealing after the heat of summer, aren't they? I'm in the same mode here. I love that Indian corn inspiration, and that looks like a fun pattern to work on. The print with the black background is just gorgeous!

  2. Fun inspiration!!! Love the X-stitch and the quilt patter!!!

  3. That is going to be a pretty quilt with all those lovely fall colors!

  4. This is going to be so cool!!! LOVE it!!

  5. I don’t know what it is about fall, but that’s when I get my stitching out as well. Maybe I’ll finally be able to get a Halloween project finished that I started two years ago.

  6. That Indian corn is so pretty! I'm nuts about fall fabric and plaids as well so right there with ya!

  7. Those colors are perfect for fall. Enjoy your squirrel adventure!

  8. Perfect colors for fall! It is coming a little faster than I would like this year.


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