Laney and Everett anticipating their Funfetti cupcakes!
Here were the goals for last week:
✅1. Wedding Quilt - get blocks sewn together - Progress - I put a few of the little blocks together
❌2. RBD block challenge #15 - No progress - printed the pattern and that was it
❌3. Work on Pieces in the Garden block #4 - No progress yet
✅4. Garden activity - Done - I put cages around the biggest tomato plants and planted green beans and impatiens
✅5. A belated birthday party for our two Littles, who are coming to visit with our daughter Saturday - Had burgers, deviled eggs, and chips and cupcakes and had a great time!
It is the Judy's Bloom collection by Eleanor Burns from Benartex
My goals for this coming week:
1. Drive to meet our daughter and babysit little Everett while she has lunch with a friend on Wednesday.
2. Doctor appointments Tuesday and Thursday.
3. Do as much sewing as I can squeeze in. I won't be able to wear my contacts starting Friday in order to prep for a cataract evaluation the following Friday. I can wear my glasses but they are 5 years old and not very effective.
My left eye has been needing cataract surgery since last summer, but only in the few months has my eyesight truly deteriorated. I often catch myself hunched over the sewing machine, and ripping apart mistakes is a daily activity. It even messes with my concentration. I'm not looking forward to surgery, but I've heard that it is pain-free and very beneficial, so I'm counting on a successful procedure!
Enough about me, now show me what you have been up to for the past week! After you link up, visit a few blogs, then come back later in the week and click on later entries and be inspired and uplifted, as I am each week by you! The link party is open each week at 12:01AM on Tuesdays and closes at 11:59PM on Mondays.
You may visit Marsha's Spot by clicking on the text below and pasting it into your browser:

Happy Tuesday,Linda. This month seems to be going by quickly and yes I always feel like I am behind. The Two Littles are adorable and they look very excited . Wishing you the best on your doctor's appointments and hope all goes well with the evaluation next Friday. Thank you for hositng the link party .Happy quilting.
ReplyDeleteMy parents both had cataract surgery and they were very happy they did. Have an enjoyable time babysitting! The fat quarter bundle you won is beautiful! Love all the flower fabrics.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday to Laney and Everett. Sounds like you have a busy schedule the next couple of weeks. Hopefully all your appointments go well and you can get back to stitching with clear vision.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your 2 little ones.
ReplyDeleteDon't be afraid. Cataract surgery is very simple and fast, completly pain free. Have a great week Linda, and thanks for hosting.
My mom had cataract surgery and did great and could see so much better! I have the beginnings of one on my left eye, but not mature enough for surgery yet. That fat quarter bundle is gorgeous! and in the words of the infamous Rick and Bubba (substituting numbers) three outta five ain't bad!! LOL Have fun with your littles and happy belated birthday to them!!
ReplyDeleteFunfetti cupcakes! Ooh yummy! Mr Busy is scheduled for his cataract surgery on the 25th. He’s a bit apprehensive too, but is vision has really deteriorated recently! I hope this will not only help the vision, but improve his disposition! :). That Judy Bloom fabric is so so pretty!
ReplyDeleteHaha maybe my eyesight is why we've had so many arguments lately! ;) Thanks for visiting Judy. :)
DeleteSweet pic of the littles! Nice to win a gorgeous bunch of fabric. You did pretty well with your list, and getting some of the wedding quilt together must have felt good. My husband’s cataract surgery was a breeze…the first 24 hours there was a little adjusting but the rest was easy. I hope that is your experience! He had both done, some time apart and was so happy with the results.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful grandchildren, Linda. A joy in life! Tony had cataract surgery on both eyes and a complete success. Try not to worry as this is a very safe procedure with excellent results.
ReplyDeleteOoh, a fun win! Congrats! Hang in there on the cataract work. Everyone always seems so happy when they're all fixed up. I'm sure it'll be worth it so focus (oooh--bad pun!) on that prize at the end!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your littles! I hope, and will pray that your cataract surgery will go well. Congrats on winning that pretty fabric bundle!
ReplyDeleteLucky you to win such a nice fat quarter bundle. I know you will enjoy using it -- someday! Ugh cataract surgery is in my future also. I keep forgetting to call and find out if I can go ahead with it. And, ugh, then to make the decision about the type of lens to be used. I want to move forward as one eye is sporadically giving me problems. Fun times ahead for both of us! Have a good week.
ReplyDeleteHi Linda, I hopped to you from Jocelyn. Cataract surgery is painless, I had my right eye operated on last year, literally no problems at all, the eye drops they put in to dilate are stinging for a second or two, after I was in the theatre and all ready, the local anaesthetic drops go in, then there was a little buzzing as the surgeon lasered out the lens. All I saw was bright lights like a kaleidoscope.then all done, back into the big chair, warm blanket and in the recovery room. Surgeon from Spokane , Washington, has been here in New Zealand for maybe almost 2 years and returns home in August, so I am so happy she
ReplyDeletewill operate on my left eye as well. Seams will line up, joins will match, let me know what the verdict is for your surgery. Best wishes, Jean, down in NZ.
I sympathize with all the interruptions. Clay and I had both eyes done in 2019. We did about 18 trips to the eye doctor in San Antonio for 2 months which included pre checkups, the surgeries (one a week) and all the check ups. We have a wonderful Eye Doctor. The eye drops are fun but it all goes quick and easy. You will enjoy the clear vision. We have lens for distance and we use the ‘peep overs’ for close reading and sewing for me. Enjoy the twilight sleep and you will be fine. But if they want to do both within a week of each other go for it. Best to just get them done and over with. And I am a big chicken but it is so much easier than years ago. Hang in there girl! Grand babies are doing great with Granny! Once we hit the 15th of anything month, I consider the month G-O-N-E! Hugs and keep me posted on your progress. PS - love the fabrics you won!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like the cupcakes were definitely worth waiting for! Hope your surgery goes well.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty fabric bundle! My best friend has had two cataract surgeries in the past few months and did really well with them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement Mary!
DeleteYummy! Those cupcakes look scrumptious! Good luck with your list and future surgery!
ReplyDeleteThey were good Chris! For some reason Blogger has listed you as a no-reply blogger - so strange.
DeleteMy eye dr. says I have cataracts forming in my right eye...instead of a one year visit he is seeing me again in 6 months to check again.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that Mary!
DeleteI'm still struggling with the fact that it is May, and soon it will be over. How lucky that you are caging tomatoes. I have yet to even buy plants. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteHope all went well with your cataract evaluation. Those kids are so cute. What a good gramma you are - babysitting while his mom has a day out.
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy! My evaluation is this coming Friday, and I'm told it will take 2-1/2 to 3 hours - eeek! Well I don't know if I'm a good Grandma or not, but we sure enjoyed it. :)
DeleteOh good luck on the surgery!!!! I hate wearing glasses so I am sympathizing with you!! and Funfetti Cupcakes - on my way!! haha!