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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Lazy Week Vibes

Planted a few herb, green bean, and flower seeds in my tiny garden
as companions for the tomato and pepper plants

This past weekend was fairly lazy, but I did get a few things done. In the backyard veggie garden, I pulled up a million rogue morning glory seedlings (I let the vines stay up too long last summer and I guess they spread their seeds), spread some Osmocote under the peppers and tomatoes, and planted some seeds. I planted Painted Lady Runner Beans, dill, basil, milkweed, creeping thyme, bush green beans, and zinnias. Hopefully some of it will come up. I potted up some flower plants for the front flower bed and looked at the bags of mulch waiting to be spread. Hubby is waiting until I feel better. I actually feel fine but I tire easily, so I guess we will wait a few more days.

I got all the pieces cut for the butterflies for Winging It. I got a start on the three blocks I am behind on the RBD block challenge. And I looked at the B blocks for the APQ Scrappy Celebration - does that count? Here were my goals for last week:
❎1. Winging It first eight blocks - Done - finished the first 8 and have cut pieces for all others
❌2. APQ Scrappy Celebration Group B blocks - Did not do
✔3. RBD blocks catch up - Fabrics chosen

And for this week: 
1. Doctors appointments - cardiologist for Hubby and surgeon for me
2. Finish Rose Colored Glasses project. It starts next Monday and my day is Tuesday May 16
3. APQ Scrappy Celebration - finish B blocks
4. RBD blocks
5. Winging It blocks

My hubby had a heart attack in May 2012 and had an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) implanted. He has a very low "ejection fraction" and is in a treatment plan with a great group of doctors in Plano, about 60 miles south of us. We has an appointment today, so we get to visit the "good" grocery stores in the north Dallas area - looking forward to that!

I had a great follow-up appointment with my surgeon last Thursday. He said my skin graft is looking great (to me it looks awful). He said I should be able to treat the incision normally after my next appointment on Thursday.

We have a chance of thunderstorms all week, so you know I'm happy!

Enough about me! What is going on in your world this week? I am linking with these lovely hosts:

Monday Musings hosted by Brenda at Songbird Designs
Sew and Tell hosted by Melva at Melva Loves Scraps
To Do Tuesday hosted by Carol at Quilt Schmilt


  1. I'm sorry you think your skin graft looks awful surely you will think it looks better as it heals - it takes awhile for scaring to fade and I imagine it still has some? I like to go to fancier grocery stores too - expensive but I love looking and finding new things here and there. Hope all goes well at the doctor appointment.

  2. your tomato plants look great - will the herbs help with tomato pests?

  3. Oh, it’s fun to see your garden getting started! That takes lots of ambition. And some sewing done too! You go, girl! Good luck with the appointments and shopping in the “good” stores. 🙂. Facial healing is slow going! Hugs sent your way!

  4. Glad you're feeling good, Linda! Tiring easily is probably to be expected considering all that you've gone through in the last few weeks. Hooray for getting the garden planted, too! I need to do that this week. Wishing you good doctor's appointments and some sewing time this week!

  5. You sure get a lot done for a lazy weekend!!!

  6. Our week consists of husband doing the spring cleaning window washing and a trip to Boston to our apartment to see a few folks and spend some time with our son. Some sewing done before I go, doubtful any will happen while I am there....bringing some drunkard's path blocks in case!

  7. The veg garden sounds like its going to be good, yeah weeds are a pain! The surgeon will know what he's talking about, we are always more critical! Nice work with Winging it, so looking forward to seeing it develop.

  8. It sounds as though you have things under control both inside and outside of the house, as well as having your health in check. Enjoy those "good" stores. :-)

  9. Thanks for sharing an update on the skin graft--I'm happy the surgeon is pleased with the progress. Good luck on the APQ blocks; I got a little sidetracked on mine this week, but I'm quite anxious to get them all done.

  10. Hi Linda! Only a MILLION rogue morning glory seedlings?!! I'll bet that took a while and it was very calming. I assume you did it in the early morning because otherwise you would have overheated? That's a whole lot of planting for someone who isn't felling well. {{Hugs}} I am so sorry to have missed your need for surgery. I'm adding you both to my daily prayers immediately. Please take care of yourself, my friend. I need to be a better blog friend and keep up on your antics. I agree with Alycia - you sure got a lot done for a lazy week. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. You got a lot done this past week, Linda and your garden is looking great. Woo Hoo on getting the cutting done for your butterfly blocks! I hope the doctor's appointments go well. I am glad to hear that you are doing well in the healing process.

  12. Two questions... First, what are the boxes around the tomato plants for? And second, what are "good grocery stores" that you look forward to?

  13. Have been doing some lazy gardening here--just whatever and whenever...but those weeds are starting to come up so I think this line of thought isn't working! LOL. Sorry you are unhappy with the graft but maybe trust the surgeon for now--it's still healing, yes? It takes time!

  14. Garden and quilting progress is not a slow week! Hope the visit to the doctors when well and both of you are feeling great. I don't mind the storms, but I'm getting tired of unplugging the router due to the lightening.

  15. I gave up on gardening. DH is a carnivore and eats very few veggies, though I love them! I tried growing tomatoes but the cut worms ate them, UGH!! Looking forward to seeing that Winging It quilt! Thanks for sharing with us on MM!

  16. HiLinda. Hope you had a Happy Mother’s Da, another good week and your hubby’s appointment went well. Looks to me like you got a lot done and did well on your list. Getting tired easily happens after your body has been traumatized. Luckily your grafts will improve as everything heals and hopefully you won’t even notice it in a couple of years. Trust your surgeon 😉. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope you did great on this week’s list.


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