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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Stay At Home Round Robin Border 4

The challenge for border four of SAHRR, selected by Roseanne and Sue, is the checkerboard block. I've had my fingers busy with Squirrels this week and did not start my border until today! May I just say I am loving these border suggestions by our hosts? I am really enjoying these challenges each week!

I drew inspiration from @snell.jan on Instagram and Carol at Quilt Schmilt to create color and interest while keeping the focus on my original Lynx Star block. I think I kept my simple plans too simple and am not entirely pleased with my hurry-up job, so I might adjust it with the next round. I only added borders above and below in order to add length. In all I added about 6-1/2 inches in length.

I did enjoy using Grunge in Sugar Cookie, with its hints of green.

Front and back yards

We are in the midst of a Winter Storm Warning with about an inch of snow on the ground and temperatures hovering between 10 and 14 degrees and tonight and tomorrow night lows of 3 and -3 degrees. We are expecting heavy snow tonight, then another round of heavy snow on Wednesday. This is "historically cold" and unusually widespread snow even for north Texas, and in fact is creating cold and snow over much of Texas. I am praying no one loses power or suffers burst pipes.

Please click right here to go have a look at the beautiful and creative ideas of other participants.


  1. I’m having so much fun watching the SAHRRs grow. Love the colors in yours, and Sugar Cookie! Who could resist a fabric with that name let alone the green in it? Stay safe and warm in the storm. What a strange weather year this is!

  2. Wow, that is cold for you! We've been continuing the brutally cold trend, too. -7 when I woke up this morning, and I think the highest I saw today was 3 above! It's supposed to be even colder tomorrow morning. I just finished up my checkerboard, too. It takes awhile to get these things figured out! I love your pine tree fabric, and that sugar cookie Grunge is yummy! 😉

  3. A lovely addition to your SAHRR... looks great so far.
    Stay safe inside...Oh and WaRM...xox

  4. I sure hope you are safe and continue to have power throughout the week. It's one thing for us to have blizzards, here where we have the things in place to deal with them. It's more concerning for you all down there, where this is just not usual. I'm liking your Lynx Star with the checkerboard added. Each border is just such fun!

  5. Hi Linda! Thanks for sharing the closeups of the fabrics you're using for SAHRR! It looks fabulous from a distance but even more so when we can enjoy your choices. Gosh, those are cold temperatures for Texas!! We are about the same up here in Wisconsin but we are used to it. I hope you are able to weather the storm and get back to usual temperatures shortly. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I had you on my mind when i heard about all the power outages. Hope u aren't affected. Love love that quilt. I would love to be able to make quilts like you. So beautiful.

    1. Hi Sandy, thank for thinking of me and thank you for your kind words. :) We finally have power on steadily and we had water last night, so we did get a shower in before it went off again - lol! Take care.

  7. The weather has been so strange. I am caught up but now need to make my stars, and I think I know how I might use them...

  8. Your Round Robin piece is gorgeous,Linda. I just love your fabrics and colours and thanks for talking about your process...I enjoy that. You are keeping busy which is good. I do hope you did not lose power; the weather has been horrible in a lot of North America. Take Care!


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