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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

To-Do Tuesday

My first Wensleydale block from Jen Kingwell's Quilt Recipes

I'm joining other bloggers for To-Do Tuesday, an event hosted by Chris at Chris Knits. This linkup is open to those who want to keep track of goals and cheer on the accomplishments of others. Let's see what has happened in my little sewing room in north Texas since last Tuesday. 

Jack says "Welcome to my playroom!"

Rosie says the jury is still out on the new arrangement

After trying my new room arrangement (brought about by the installation of Longmire) for a couple weeks, I decided to change things up a bit. My desk and sewing machine traded spaces, so now the Janome is next to the window - much more light for sewing and no glare when I try to see the laptop. I had my husband sell the printer that occupied space on my desk (now I just use his printer), so that created more space on my desk for things that make me happy. The kitties miss their desk lounging space, but I like it just fine!

My DIY hubby has been trying out a new laser engraver and I'm happy to be the recipient of his experiments!

Here are a few of the DashAlong blocks

Big stitch (with a few cat hairs thrown in)

My goals for last week:
☑ 1. DashAlong blocks - PROGRESS - I chain-pieced 6 more blocks
☑ 2. Embroider and piece blocks for Christmas project - PROGRESS - I am slowly embroidering (almost finished the first one!), and I pieced two more blocks. This one is FUN!
☑ 3. Big stitch experiment on RBD quilt - DONE - I am using Sulky 12wt in Gold, and I love the thread and the big-stitch effect. This will be a slow project, but I will certainly enjoy it.
☑ 4. Piece a backing for Exploding Heart - PROGRESS - I did pick fabrics for piecing!
5. Start on Welcome Autumn cross stitch if fabric arrives - NO PROGRESS - The Lambswool 28ct linen from Fat Quarter Shop did arrive and is so beautiful, but I am finding it difficult to see the little squares. I purchased this hands-free magnifier  and will pick it up this week at Joann's. I'm really hoping it helps.
☑ 6. Make a Wensleydale block - DONE - The templates I made from craft acrylic are so thin it was hard to accurately cut the fabric, so my block is a bit skewed. But I love the block! I have decided to purchase the acrylic template set, and my LQS has promised to call as soon as they receive them from Jen Kingwell.

My list for the coming week:
1. Work on piecing a backing for Exploding Heart
2. Start on Welcome Autumn cross stitch
3. Continue to big-stitch on RBD quilt
4. Continue to stitch and piece on Christmas project
5. Continue to make Dash-Along blocks

Our son and family are scheduled to come on Friday night for the weekend, but now we are waiting to see if our DIL has Covid! We were hoping to have all of our children and grandchildren together for the first time since last August. If Susan tests positive, this will be the third time Covid has postponed their trip north. 😞

UPDATE: Susan's test was NEGATIVE! As long as she feels like traveling Friday, they will be here - yay!

It is always fun to see and be inspired by new and on-going projects, so be sure to check out posts by other bloggers right here!


  1. It's always fun to get a peek at someone's quilting space! It looks really nice, Linda - especially to have your sewing machine by the window. I love the big stitch quilting - really pretty thread color! We'll all be hoping for a negative Covid test so your family can get together! 🤞

  2. Oh, my, I hope the test is much delaying of life and grief in this time of trial that Covid has been. But, that sign....oh la it. But most of all, I love your eye catching block! Templates are such a harrasment to make, but so useful when you have the right kind. Hope the mail is fast for you!

  3. It's fun to see the photos of your studio! Super cute sign made by your DH!!! I hope you can all get together soon.

  4. Oh, your new space looks so nice! Jack and Wilbs have to be related, I recognize that little tail swoop/swish! Your hubby's engraving is pretty cool, and I'm sure it's a fun thing for him to goof around with. I love the Jen Kingwell block - I might have to get that book. I was just thinking that you really don't need another Covid test to squash your get together - I hope she gets a negative result!

  5. You are doing great! Love the new look and that sign! How cool! Hubby needs to make more and sell them! I am sorry to hear about DIL with CV. This problem of everyone getting sick is Biden’s fault along with Afghanistan. He is definitely mentally and physically unable to be Commander in Chief. Let’s hope it is a true negative report. Hugs. PS - love those churn dash blocks.

  6. I think your room has an excellent "Ooh, I want to sew in here!" feel to it! I LOVE that Woman Cave sign your hubs made! That's perfect! And your dashes look great!

  7. I just found your blog through Jocelyn of Canandian Needle Nana. I adore your sewing room. It is giving me some ideas for my daughter's old bedroom. Your quilt is pretty and I like your hubby's handiwork.

  8. Your work space looks lovely. Thanks to you and your kitty helpers for inviting us in to see your happy place and beautiful projects. In my home, a few cat hairs in the quilting just adds to the warmth and coziness of the quilt ... <3 Pat

  9. i love your house = great place to do your quilts.

    1. Thank you so much Sandy - I really enjoy it. :)

  10. Have I mentioned how much I love having a peek into creative spaces? A few times... I know.


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